NCSD School Board Candidates – Courtneigh Schwerzbin- Part 2

Twitter Photo of Swerzbin
Courtneigh Swersbin is a current candidate for the North Clackamas school board. On her running for school board Courtneigh says “I’m running for school board because we need to focus on what really matters: education, not politics. Let’s reinstate minimum standards for graduation, promote true inclusiveness, and hold everyone accountable for the success of our students.”
Although Courtneigh is wanting inclusivity in the school district, she is extremely against affinity groups in schools. Affinity groups like Black Student Unions, LGBTQ+ groups, and more. Courtneigh has claimed that affinity groups are promoting racism and segregation and making schools political. She has said that “Schools should be a place where kids go to learn, they should not be bombarded with political rhetoric.” Courtneigh wants to eliminate these groups that help students find places to be themselves and find others with similar interests and experiences. Courtneigh says that she’s fighting for inclusivity but doesn’t want kids to be with others with whom they share the same experiences so that they can feel more comfortable in school and more included.
According to the Clackamas Review, Courtneigh has recently had a brush with the law. As of April 26th, 2023, Courtneigh remained on court probation for having pleaded no contest when, two years ago, she tried to prevent someone from making a 911 call. She was supposed “…to serve 12 months of probation and 16 hours of community service as part of a plea deal with the Clatsop County District Attorney’s Office. Her probation was extended on January ninth,” writes Raymond Rendleman from the Clackamas Review.
One of Courtneigh’s hopes for the school board is more transparency in the curriculum for schools. She would like parents to be informed about what students are learning in schools. “We need accountability for everyone on the school board and it’s vital that we re-engage parents in the education process,” says Courtneigh. She wants to have parents be aware of everything their students are learning. Courtneigh wants to change how parents interact with the schools and might drastically change the already put-in-place curriculum that works for students.
Courtneigh says she is strongly supportive of inclusivity, accountability, and no politics in schools, yet she says things that go back to her previous statements. The shool board election will be held Tuesday, May 16th.