NFL Protests

In the NFL many football players are protesting police brutality by kneeling during the National Anthem. There’s a lot of disagreement on the issue, and it seems very polarizing. Many news outlets have reported on the situation, which is great but, it seems like all the opinion pieces are centered around adults. Interviewers are missing the teens perspective on this issue.


Trever Keown is a student taking a class at the Sabin-Schellenberg Professional Center. He believes that police brutality is a big enough issue to be considered a national problem that needs to be more maintained and controlled by the law enforcement community. He believes that citizens have the responsibility to report and call out officers that have been seen abusing their powers. The NFL has handled their protests poorly in Trever’s opinion and he thinks that people are giving the issue too much press. “With the amount of audience it’s getting, it’s not as big of a deal as people are making it. Although Trever doesn’t agree with the player’s protesting methods entirely, he expressed that he doesn’t agree with our president trying to censor their speech. “No, it’s not his job.”


Benjamin White is a student with a slightly differing view. Benjamin doesn’t believe that police brutality is rampant enough to be considered a national problem. “I don’t think the police are doing anything wrong, so I don’t think anything much should really be done.” He thinks it’s the NFL’s business what should be done about the protests.


Jasmine Noe, a student from Rex Putnam, says the issue of police brutality is a problem that would be best dealt with by making police wear cameras when they arrest people. She thinks the NFl has dealt with the protests well, but thinks that it isn’t the appropriate place to protest. Jasmine says that the president has better things to be worried about other than symbolism. “I don’t think anyone should lose their job over that.”