Be The Change


Our society is very anxiety- driven and won’t become any less anxiety- driven unless we take steps to do so. Fear and anxiety are key issues in our society because they prevent so many Americans, as well as people from around the globe from taking opportunities, achieving goals and overall experiencing things that could have been amazing if we hadn’t been so crippled by fear. “Fear will hold you back from some of the most awesome experiences life has to offer, but you don’t have to let that happen. You can tell it, ‘Go away. Not today. Good- bye! In the name of Jesus.’” Sadie Robertson is a bestselling Christian author, public speaker, star on Dancing with the Stars, and more. She herself has struggled with anxiety and fear and tells of how she overcame those things.


  The book Live Fearless by Sadie Robertson was published on February 6, 2018 and can be purchased at any number of places. This includes Barnes & Noble, Target, Walmart, Amazon and more. In her book, Sadie writes “God has done a complete work in my life, and I know he wants to do the same for you,” which gives us a little bit of background information for why she wrote this book. The reason Sadie was fearful for so long is summed up in one sentence: “because I kept feeding my fear instead of starving it.” Sadie has learned and grown so much in the past few years, to the point where she can actually say with confidence now that she is fearless. On her YouTube video Live Fearless, Sadie explains that it’s not that things aren’t going to be scary, but it’s that when you are in the face of fear, you carry peace. One way to overcome fear, is to confront it. Sadie explains “If you will stand up to fear, give it a little straight talk, and tell it to leave you alone in Jesus’ name, that will get you a long way. But beyond that, it’s also vital to trust God while you’re still afraid. You see, often your peace is waiting for you on the other side of trust.”


  Hope Semones is a Christian blogger and YouTuber. She was interviewed to get a personal perspective as an audience member of the book Live Fearless. Hope ordered the book 2 weeks ago on Amazon and loved reading it. When asking her opinion on how our world is so anxiety- driven, her response was that our world “seems to be filled with more fearful than fearless people. We need to change that and change it soon!” In addition to this, Hope states that she has become less fearful given the tools from the book, and it has become easier for her everyday to live fearless! Her family (relatives as well as church family) have been a huge encouragement in her journey to living fearless. Also, a verse that has really encouraged her to live fearless is Ephesians 6:10-16, which says “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his great power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can fight against the devil’s evil tricks… And also use the shield of faith with which you can stop all the burning arrows of the Evil one.” Hope believes it is vital to live fearless because “we need to be bold. If we are constantly living in fear we will not get very far in life. Fear is what holds us back!” If the people of our society could take steps in learning to live fearless, we would accomplish so much more individually and as a whole.


Joelle Bradfield is a wedding photographer and educator. She got a lot of good advice out of reading Sadie’s testimony in the book Live Fearless, which she purchased from Amazon at the beginning of February. When asked her opinion on why it’s important to live fearlessly, her response was “There’s so much to be afraid of in life, but living fearlessly is so much more fun. Having the confidence that God is greater than our circumstances and that He’ll take care of us is definitely a game- changer. I think it’s important for our well- being to trust Him and enjoy life the best that we can.” Joelle believes technology has played a big role in our anxiety levels as well. She suggests that “Looking at our screens all day and then more at night can definitely have an affect on our moods.” Live Fearless has changed Joelle’s approach to fear. She explains how, saying “Live Fearless gave me a little more confidence and permission to not worry so much about things in life… it showed me that God can help us overcome any fear, no matter how big or small…” Lastly, Joelle states that “the biggest thing I got from reading Live Fearless is that God really is stronger and wiser than we are. And, He’ll help us overcome our fears if we really want to. And when we do, life is even more fun.”


  Sadie Robertson, Hope Semones, and Joelle Bradfield are all great examples of what it means to live fearless. They are all learning to trust God more, build in the confidence that God is greater than all things, fully surrender their fears in dependence on Him, carry peace in the midst of fear, and to ultimately live in freedom and enjoy what life has to offer. The good news is that you can too. Sadie claims to have loved writing Live Fearless; Similarly, Hope Semones and Joelle Bradfield loved reading it and recommend others to read it as well. People from America and all parts of the world can truly learn to live fearless. By living fearless, you can freely and confidently experience all life has to offer. Life is a gift, so let’s choose to worry less and not be held back by fear.