Little Blue Whale
More stories from Shelby Schrein
Beth Ferry pens a tale for children while teacher Lisa Mundorff creates the characters for a new book being released this month. The two women were brought together by their agent to make a book aimed at children.. Little Blue Whale features a whale penguin and a lot of friendship. “We were excited, we worked on this book for 10 years and it was a really long process. I was so shocked to see my book and my artwork in a bookstore. “ Lisa teaches Digital Design at the Sabin-Schellenberg Professional Center.
Lisa also seems very attached to Portland. Lisa has an interest in connecting with even more young people than those she teaches. She would love to move to New York because that’s where her publisher is and where a lot of things that happen with books are located. She talks a lot about her children and how they inspired her to be what she is today. She also talks about how books were a large part of her children’s lives. “They used to read a lot of picture books when they were little and I thought it was so cute”.
Inspiration gave her a good foundation at creating the characters in the book. “ I love clean simple shapes” Lisa says. “ I would redo my art until it made me feel good inside and that’s when I knew that that page was done “. She is a very dedicated artist who really does love what she does and hopes to do more with children’s books in the future. “ I really hope children like the book and gives them a chance to kinda escape to where they want to be in the book”.
There will be a celebration for the release of her new book The Small Blue Whale on Saturday, October 28 , 2017 7 to 9 pm. The

Shelby Schrein holds on to the Little Blue Whale
book signing will be held at a children’s Place bookstore 1423 NE Fremont Street Portland, 97212.